From the Battalion Chief

The Aromas Tri-County Fire District uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to reach out to our social medial followers to update them on occurrences, emergencies and special programs that we think you may want to know about. Please “Follow us” by clicking the links at the bottom of our home page.
This past winter California and the ATCFPD received a significant amount of much needed rainfall. Along with the much needed rain, significant winds pushed over large trees, damaged property and caused leaf litter to cover your yards and houses changing the arrangement and location of wildfire fuels. It won’t be long until the grasses dry out and the risk of wildfire will significantly increase. Now is the time to begin cleanup. Review the link on this website to learn how to be “Ready for Wildfire”.
Many of you may consider burning your downed trees and leaf litter to remove them from your property. Residential burn season continues through April 30, 2019. Please be very safe while using this method to clean your property. You must have a permit to burn in the Aromas Tri-County Fire District. You can receive a burn permit by coming to the firehouse and asking for one. The firefighters will provide you with a FREE permit as well as directions on how to burn safely.
Beginning April 1, 2019 CAL FIRE, the Aromas Tri-County Fire District and the Aromas Water District have worked cooperatively to provide you an alternate means to remove these fuels from your property. The Aromas Chipper Program is a grant funded program that allows residents of the Aromas Fire District to trim their vegetation and bring it to the Aromas Water District lot to have it chipped. Once chipped you are welcome to take as much of the wood chips home with you to use for your yards and flower beds. This is a GREAT way to prepare for wildfire and conserve water “one chip at a time”. Check our website and social media sites for more information regarding the Aromas Chipper Program.

I will conclude with saying I am excited to have this new method of communicating with the constituents of the Fire District. Check back often as we now have the ability to update our information to you regularly. I look forward to continued service via the World Wide Web and hope to expand this method of communication to meet your needs.